Service Bureau Counter
- The service bureau counter serves as a counter for accepting court documents manually that is to be filed and uploaded to the Judiciary Case management System (JCMS). The service bureau counter is available at every court location in all districts and is available for members of the public.
- For parties with legal disputes of legal proceedings may use the service of the Service Bureau to upload their documents for filing. The documents submitted must be in PDF format and must be presented in portable media such as CDs, DVDs, hard disks or thumb drives.
- The Service Bureau caters for uploads up to
35MB per upload.
Cashier Counters- For payment of stamping, services, court bail, fines and civil filings
- Parties must pay a court fine, or offer a composition for a criminal or traffic offence within the given time period
- The law prescribes certain sentences that can be imposed as punishment for a criminal and traffic offence. A fine is a monetary penalty imposed on a party by the court
- If the court has imposed a fine on you, you should take the necessary steps to pay the amount stated (usually on the same day), or by the due date given by the court. If you are unable to pay the court fine by the due date, you may have to serve a default imprisonment term as decided by the court
- You may apply for your court fine to be deferred or paid by instalments, subject to the court’s approval. This request should be made during your sentencing hearing
- Apart from court fines, applicants who make use of any of the court services are required to pay a fee respective of the type of service
Office HoursCOURT HOUSE | LOCATION | OPERATING HOURS | Subordinate Court, Bandar Seri Begawan | Ground floor, Law and Courts’ building, Jalan RIPAS, Bandar Seri Begawan BA1910 |
Mondays to Thursdays and Saturdays: 8.00 AM – 12.00 PM 1.30 PM – 4.00 PM
8.00 AM – 2.00 PM (during Ramadhan)
| Subordinate Court, Temburong | Ground floor, Temburong District Office building, Pekan Bangar, Temburong PA1351 | Subordinate Court, Tutong | First floor, Tutong District Courts’ building, Bukit Bendera, Pekan Tutong TA1341 | Subordinate Court, Kuala Belait | Ground floor, Belait District Courts’ building, Simpang 28, Jalan Maulana, Kuala Belait KA1931 |
Cashier Counter Hours
COURT HOUSE | LOCATION | PAYMENT HOURS | Subordinate Court, Bandar Seri Begawan | Ground floor, Law and Courts’ building, Jalan RIPAS, Bandar Seri Begawan BA1910 |
Mondays to Thursdays: 8.00 AM – 11.00 AM 2.00 PM – 3.00 PM
Saturdays: 8.00 AM
– 10.00 AM
8.00 AM – 2.00 PM (during Ramadhan)
| Subordinate Court, Temburong | Ground floor, Temburong District Office building, Pekan Bangar, Temburong PA1351 | Subordinate Court, Tutong | First floor, Tutong District Courts’ building, Bukit Bendera, Pekan Tutong TA1341 | Subordinate Court, Kuala Belait | Ground floor, Belait District Courts’ building, Simpang 28, Jalan Maulana, Kuala Belait KA1931 |